Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Spirit Award Winners

Spirit Award Winners

This month we honor our Spirit Award winners. Although our ceremony and a portion of the celebration of these outstanding individuals is virtual this year, their achievements and service to Texas Tech Physicians are felt greatly throughout our practice--especially during the difficult year we have just experienced.

These days it is more important than ever to step up and go “beyond service,” as our patients need increased communication from us, new ways to receive care and to receive accurate information about the novel virus which we are fighting. Our TTUHSC family has also needed support from within, as we have seen illness sweep across our organization, lost team members, family members of team members, and had to adjust to our new “normal,” both in our professional and personal lives. So, while all have experienced the negative effects of COVID-19 in some way, it is important to find and applaud the good things that did occur in 2020.  Our Spirit Award winners are a few elite members of our team who we, as a group, have chosen to recognize because of their ability to exceed expectations and go the extra mile in their job.

The 2020 Spirit Awards winners are:
Kindhearted: Renee Garcia, Family Nurse Practitioner in Internal Medicine
Visionary: Brett Swett, MPIP Business Office Director
Integrity: Matt Driskill, Senior Clinical Administrator of Surgery
Beyond Service: Dr. David Edwards, Medical Director of Student Health
One Team: Jonathan Suiter, Internal Medicine Senior Patient Services Specialist
Overall Spirit Award: Kelsey Marks, Assistant to the Chair of Internal Medicine

I was honored to take part in virtually recognizing our winners and to have the opportunity to highlight some of the wonderful things they did to make the Health Sciences Center a better place. These accomplishments included rapid telemedicine setup and delivery to patients by Jonathan Suiter; Personal Protective Equipment procurement throughout the pandemic by Matt Driskill; Brett Swett’s innovative ideas to run our Business Office more efficiently; Dr. David Edwards’ passion for keeping staff and TTU students safe throughout the pandemic; Renee Garcia’s positive energy and can-do attitude that inspires her team; and Kelsey Marks’ dedication to her department and hard work on various HSC committees.

Please join me in extending our sincerest congratulations to our six winners who truly embody our values and set an example for all. We are better because of them.

2020 Spirit Award Winners

  • Matt Driskill
  • Dr. David Edwards
  • Renee Garcia
  • Kelsey Marks
  • Jonathan Suiter
  • Brett Swett