Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
CEO Minute: What Do You Think About Our Patient Satisfaction Program?

CEO Minute: What Do You Think About Our Patient Satisfaction Program?

CEO Column: What Do You Think About Our Patient Satisfaction Program?

Before we get to the promised survey regarding patient satisfaction, I would be remiss not to comment on the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision which validated nearly all of the federal health law. Part of what they did not uphold is significant — that the federal government cannot compel states to expand Medicaid. This one change creates problems for the Obama administration's plan to extend insurance to 30 million more Americans. I will have more to say on this as we go forward. Now, to the survey.

Last week, I promised a survey this week to determine what you think about Texas Tech Physicians’ patient satisfaction program, specifically, how we handle complaints.

Rate each of these questions. If you have an interest, tally up the points and send them to me, or post your results as a comment below. Use this rating system: always, 3 points; sometimes, 1 point; or never, 0 points.

Senior managers in our organization welcome complaints and see them as a positive way to improve.
Always     Sometimes     Never

We make it easy for our customers to complain to us via whatever channel they choose.
Always     Sometimes     Never

Our employees treat complaints seriously. 
Always     Sometimes     Never

Employees are given adequate training in how to deal with complaints.
Always     Sometimes     Never

The process we use to deal with complaints is timely and effective.
Always     Sometimes     Never

Our employees record all the complaints they receive.
Always     Sometimes     Never

We thoroughly investigate complaints and provide a timely and fair response to customers.
Always     Sometimes     Never

The organization uses complaint data to drive improvements across the business.
Always     Sometimes     Never

Improvement action is taken as a result of  complaints we have received.
Always     Sometimes     Never

My organization views complaint management as an investment in the future of the business rather than a cost.
Always     Sometimes     Never

Total Points _______________.

Thanks for reading and participating.