Last summer I gave a copy of Patrick Lencioni’s book, The Motive, which I had just read, to a couple of my colleagues here in the School of Medicine
as a gift. Lencioni is the founder and president of The Table Group and a best-selling author. He uses unexpected plot twists, stories, and crisp dialogue
to talk about business and leadership.
I was excited to learn that in December he would be speaking at our TTUHSC’s Along The Journey series. During his virtual lecture, Lencioni spoke about the ideal team player, the
qualities they possess, and how to spot these people. He also has recently developed
an analysis tool called The Six Types of Working Genius. You can check it out with
a simple Google search.
The premise of this assessment tool is that we all have natural “gifts” or talents:
things in which we naturally excel. Things that give us joy—because we do them well.
Lencioni’s thoughts about collaboration in the workplace are that each of the six
geniuses he has identified should be present in the members of a team. Those geniuses
are Wonder, Inventor, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, and Tenacity. He says
that to truly enjoy and progress in our work, we should spend most of our time focused
on the two areas in which we excel.
This makes sense. We cannot have a team solely comprised of one type of thinking.
We do best when we all work together—One Team! Even folk wisdom tells us, “It takes
all kinds.”
Albert Einstein famously said, “Everybody is a genius.” But, he added, and I am paraphrasing,
you have to do what you are cut out to do. As we are now into almost the third month
of 2021, it might be a good time to ask yourself, “What are my strengths?” (I know
everyone reading this has multiple strengths.) Maybe you are even a genius at something
(I am serious—I’m not going to second-guess Einstein). Additionally, ponder, “How
can this strength be used to make Texas Tech Physicians an even better place for our
patients, leaders, and employees?” I’d love to hear what you come up with—drop me
an email or call me.
Have a great week!