Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Join us for Community Medical School tonight!

Join us for Community Medical School tonight!

Backbones and Brains: How Athletic Training Tunes the Body and Mind for VictoryTuesday, November 18, 5:30 p.m., ACB Room 150

High School Champions, college stars, celebrity pros and even weekend warriors know the importance of qualified athletic trainers. Increased participation in recreational and competitive sports has made the field of athletic training a preventative superpower for managing sports injuries. But how?

In this lecture, Dr. Brooks will explain the evolving history and increased importance of athletic training, its long-term significance in the lives of athletes and the practical way athletic trainers serve athletes in schools and higher education institutions, rehabilitation clinics and physicians' practices, particularly on the South Plains. He will also emphasize the development of the Master of Athletic Training program at TTUHSC, how its curriculum and resources create qualified athletic trainers and what sets this program apart from others in the field.

The event will begin with a brief presentation over the current Enterovirus outbreak in the U.S. by Richard Lampe, M.D., professor and chairman of the Department of Pediatrics and expert in infections disease. A Q and A session with Dr. Brooks titled "Can your fantasy team recover? Insights into notable sports injuries" will follow the lecture. Attendees are encouraged to submit questions before the event.

To register or submit a question, visit www.ttuhsc.edu/communitymedicalschool/ or contact the Community Medical School office by calling 806-743-2008 or emailing cms@ttuhsc.edu.