One can read a variety of opinions on most any topic and, indeed, it is a positive
thing to read widely — a sign of an open mind. (We certainly do not have to agree
with all that we read.) An opinion piece that I read recently in The New York Times
on health insurance funding by Neil Irwin was particularly interesting. I think it
might be of interest to you, too.
The question he asks is, “Are the days of Americans getting health insurance through
their employers numbered?”
The reason the author thinks this might happen is that employers could call for and
workers accept the practice of buying health insurance through government exchanges.
If this should happen, it will be a giant reversal of a pattern that has existed since
early experiments with it going back to the 1920s. Most historians note that employer-sponsored
health insurance truly began during World War II when the federal government capped
wages, so employers needed another incentive to recruit and retain employees. These
health benefits packages were not (and are not to this day) considered a part of employees’
wages and the employers could deduct what they spent on these benefits packages from
their corporate taxes. So, our tax policy drove much of how we got to where we are
and would be a factor in any change, as well.
Our country is currently experiencing the concept of acquiring health insurance via
an exchange--and while problems have been well documented, some of that is behind
us. We have, no doubt, learned a great deal about how exchanges work — on both sides
of the computer. Here is the thought: employers might provide money for employees
to purchase insurance or make what is called a “defined contribution” — the employee
would be left to purchase insurance on his or her own. Think of it like this—it is
the difference between a defined-benefit pension plan and a 401(k) type approach to
purchasing health insurance. Employees would be more autonomous and manage their own
health care coverage, yet bear more responsibility. We have experienced some of this
with health savings accounts (HSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) or flexible
spending accounts (FSAs) — all of which are funded with pretax dollars and provide
workers with financial incentives to be cost-conscious when selecting health care
I remember when defined contribution 401(k) plans appeared on the retirement planning
scene in the early 1980s (yes, I am old), employers embraced it as a way to replace
or supplement traditional defined benefit pensions which often had high and unpredictable
Some are seeing the same possibility with health insurance funding — Irwin is hardly
the first. The thinking is that employers want to understand and predict what their
health benefits costs are likely to be and are therefore looking at new models. I
am not talking about tomorrow and I am talking about American business, in general;
but it is a trend worth watching. It is fun/stimulating to think about where we might
be headed. Of course, no one knows for certain what the actual system of the future
will be.