Turning the patient experience into a guest experience
October 8, 2013
Most of our patients have a choice where to receive their health care. Consumerism
is alive and well in our profession. This is a good thing – one of America's great
strengths is competition in most lines of business – with many providers of service
competing for our trade. It is part of what makes America exceptional.
This past week I checked into a hotel and was impressed with the level of service
I received. Major hotel chains are very competitive. The first thing that impressed
me was the eye contact from the desk clerk. Eye contact is important as we deal with
our patients.
Behavioral studies show that when we make eye contact, or take an extra minute to
sit down or meet someone at his or her level (allowing good eye contact), it tells
the person that he or she is the focus of our attention.
We welcome new guests to our homes by opening the door, greeting them with a smile,
introducing them to the family, maybe giving them a tour, and then offering refreshments.
Let's turn our patient experience into a guest experience.