Texas Tech Physicians launches the SPIRIT CANpaign to benefit food bank
November 26, 2013
Fellow Elves, Turkeys and Grinches:
The boxes have been delivered for the SPIRIT CANpaign (U Can Share Food Drive) and
are ready to be filled, and decorated if you wish. They are in the same location as
year’s past (1st floor crosswalk between the Medical Pavilion and TTUHSC). We will call and have them
picked up when full so we can keep filling them through noon on Dec. 7. The bins are
on loan from the South Plains Food Bank and TTP has promised to account for each department/area
so we can determine who contributed the most food/FTE in each department/area.
This is the third consecutive year that Texas Tech Physicians of Lubbock has participated
and we hope to give more than 20,000 pounds of food to this worthy cause. Thank you
for spreading the word and encouraging your department to participate.