If you watched the London Olympics, you couldn’t help but notice that along with the
beauty and history of the place, London is a huge city with a lot of traffic, people
and congestion. Therefore, a London-based company called eCourier caught my eye in
a business journal I was reading. eCourier is one of about 350 courier companies
that operate in this crowded city. What a mundane industry, you might say. But eCourier
stands out from the crowd. They have made a name for themselves by providing superior
customer service and through the use of technology — Two things I believe can help
Texas Tech Physicians.
Most folks know that TTP has made some great strides in patient satisfaction over
the last few years, as well as in the use of technology. But we are just getting
started, and there is much more we can do.
For example, eCourier uses operational business intelligence to keep real-time tabs
on customer satisfaction. As we all know, people tend to vote with their feet and
we can lose a patient from our practice and never know about it.
With operational business intelligence, a sharp drop or increase in bookings or a
change in dormant account activity generates an alert sent to that client’s account
manager. This person then uses the opportunity to problem solve and regain the customer.
In other words, eCourier knows their customers. Not in a big brother way, but in a
way that says, “You are important to us and we are here to serve you.”
The other big factor in eCourier’s success is technology. In 2009, eCourier reached
No. 6 on Deloitte's list of fastest growing United Kingdom technological businesses
over the preceding five years. They seem to know what their customers want before
the customers do. They anticipate needs of their customers using a sophisticated data
system that stores a customer preferences and information.
In another clever use of technology, 95 percent of eCourier’s deliveries are booked
online, while a majority of their competitors still rely on the phone.
What goal, in terms of percentage of our appointments made over the patient portal,
would be appropriate over the next three years? What is the best way to tell patients
of appointments? Texting? Should we do something like our friends at UMC/PNS and
set up a wait-from-home type program? A friend told me recently he loves our practice,
but he has to answer the same questions every time he comes to one of our clinics
and this is information that does not change. Surely we can do better. Maybe we
can learn some lessons from a courier service that is across the pond and on their