Texas Tech Physicians of Lubbock files thousands of claims each year. A percentage
of these are denied the first time they are submitted. We know that the rate for better
performing practices is approximately 3 percent and Texas Tech Physicians is a bit
above that rate. We also know that a leading cause of denials centers around eligibility
Now, here is the kicker — the cost of managing those denials is approximately $25
per claim, which means that we spend a lot of money every month working denials that
could have been eliminated by carefully checking each scheduled appointment before
the patient arrives to assure the person has third-party coverage. We even have automation
to help with the process. A rule of thumb is that four individuals in the Business
Office “touch” a denied claim. That is a lot of touches, time, and waste of talent.
I will date myself, but one of the most influential books on minimizing mistakes is
from 1979. It is Philip Crosby’s “Quality is Free.” I can summarize the book for you:
when there are no defects, there is no cost associated with fixing the problem; hence,
quality is free. Basically, Crosby made a lot of money telling you what a grandparent
probably told you: “Do it right the first time.” Good advice the first time you heard
it… and good advice today.
P.S. I am not pointing fingers. This advice applies to me as well. I usually violate
the “do it right the first time” rule when I rush, try to cut corners, or the classic,
fail to read the instructions. When we are tempted to rush… remember that quality
really is free.